Mission Based Resilience Endurance Assessment. 5min Plank, 5min Tests: Pull Ups/Push Ups/KB Swing/KB Press (Wall Walks)/Timed Run
The Team!
The team performed very well today. Great teamwork exhibited, especially on the run. Focus on sleep discipline (and integrating it into our Physical Resilience Training Plan) today as we understand how sleep is the most important element within the Physical Resilience Training Plan.
Also, lost count of the Phalanx Prep (after the assessment as part of the consequence of not functioning as a team during previous week's online portion of the class) due to multi-tasking issues. Learning point here: situational awareness is key but also must understand the consequences of multi-tasking: useful to break up the assignments between the team in order to maintain TEAM situational awareness based on the inability for an INDIVIDUAL to multi-task.
"Lean into it!"
Ed Naggiar